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“El secreto para progresar es empezar por algún lugar. El secreto para empezar por algún lugar es fragmentar tus complejas y abrumadoras tareas de tal manera que queden convertidas en pequeñas tareas que puedas realizar y entonces simplemente comenzar por la primera.” - Mark Twain


Trying to implement an article

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#1 cvalls666



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Escrito 04 agosto 2010 - 14:21


Most of the work on sharepoint is based on surfing the web looking for guru's articles.
But when i find a solution i don't know how to translate that to my problem. Even, when it is the exactly answer to my problem

For instance:
Problem: I need to hide Actions menu on a library or list. It may be something usual in the sharepoint community. So i will try to find it.
I found a lot of entries.
This is the better (IMHO)

(Well indeed it is not all the answer because y need to check perms to access, but it a good aproximation).

I can understand the article. but what shall i do in order to aply that to solve my problem?

This is de key how can i implement that?

Shall i create a .Net project? What kind of project?
It will be a webpart enough?

Is somebody over there who tell me what can i do with this????

Thanks in advance.

PD. Yes i can do that including a content webpart with Jscript. Getting the div id for the item and hidding the id. But it is not the case :-)))

#2 Alberto Dominguez

Alberto Dominguez


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Escrito 05 agosto 2010 - 09:02

En cuanto tenga un rato le echo un ojo...

Alberto Dominguez

Enterprise Architect y Trainer
ITIL V3 Foundation Qualification in IT Service Management
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